All Good Text
Thanks, but Turtle is tired of texting
After four years and thousands of data texts we're closing shop as of Nov, 2018. Sometimes your product's role in life is to serve as a warning for others. We have stopped supporting this product to make room for cool new toys at Whole Whale like - a Google Analytics email tracking tool, and WWU - our e-learning series. Listen to our nonprofit podcast episode about it.
What Turtle Used to Do @allgoodtext
Kept a leash on your data
Fetched data from Google Analytics and YouTube
Texted a summary of your data weekly
Why People Could Live Without All Good Text
The tool only applied to people who LOVED data, which is a small TAM
There are increasing #s of apps/bots that send data to people
PEOPLE BUY PAIN KILLERS not vitamins. This tool was a vitamin...
Pricing (YIKES, we were aspirational here...)
It was smart to test a pricing option, definitely showed us that this was a vitamin that people weren't willing to pay for.
1 text per week
1 phone setup
Free Forever*
*Or 4 years, whichever comes first.All Good Text Pro
Whole Whale can actually build some really cool SMS tools, here are some SMS ideas.
Who used to get All Good Text?
We love all of the early adopters and especially the ones that stayed with us. Big shout out to Move For Hunger our longest running user and the first place you should if you're looking to move.
Share this site with someone who is about to build a vitamin
The metaphor here is that vitamins stay on shelves while pain killers solve an immediate need of users. Yes, we know that vitamins are a billion $ industry, however if your product doesn't solve an immediate need it is going to be very difficult to reach any total addressable market. Honestly, we do wish someone shared something like this when we were building it, though we're pretty stubborn and probably would have built it anyway (but maybe have spent less doing it)...